Categories: Current

by Pennyslightseminar


Categories: Current

by Pennyslightseminar


Light as a natural phenomenon can be impressive. Also, natural light can be a useful tool to bring equal opportunities to all humans around the world.

Dr Penny Chatziefstratiou Michelinaki, under the title “Penny’s light seminar” organizes a Global Drawing Competition for children 4-12 years old, under the title “Natural phenomena of light”. Children are asked to draw natural phenomena of light to show the beauty and necessity of natural light in our lives. Alternatively, students can show how natural light contributes to the completion of UNESCO’s vision for equal opportunities to all. The competition is addressed to students of kindergartens and primary schools. Drawings submitted must be the result of individual work in A4 white paper and students can use any colour material they like. Submissions are open until April 16th, 2025, and the winners will be announced on May 16th, 2025, to celebrate the International Day of Light. The winners will receive as a gift the children’s book “Lucian’s first dream. A journey to light” by Dr. Penny Chatziefstratiou Michelinaki, which is approved by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus for primary schools. If the winners come from Greece or Cyprus, then the gift will be the new children’s book by Dr. Penny Chatziefstratiou Michelinaki which is written in Greek under the title “Stories full of light”. Drawings must be sent to All drawings submitted to the competition may be presented in social media or websites with such interest. Detailed information about the competition can be found in the following website

To receive full information concerning the Drawing Competition please contact Dr. Penny Chatziefstratiou Michelinaki:

Please note that this is the 5th Drawing Competition organized to celebrate the International Day of Light by UNESCO.

The 5th Drawing Competition is included as a Global event in the offical UNESCO website